SOL day:9๐Ÿ’‡‍♀️

Happy slice of life day 9! I have no idea what to write aboutttt. So I’ll write about my morning and my night. Last night I stayed up 12 am to get some blogs done, then I finally gave up when I got 8 slice of life’s. I was so tried that I didn’t get on my phone than fall asleep like I usually do. Nope I just went straight to sleep. Then this morning my mom woke me early so that I can get more blogs done. I’m still so tireddd, and I kinda want to give up yet I’m not. So I woke up and went in the bathroom and got ready. Then I put of my clothes in my room. After that I went back in the bathroom to do my hair which is a interesting story. I plugged up the straightener because my hair was a mess from sleeping. I turned them on and waited for awhile so they could warm up. They were hot enough now and I started to straighten my hair while being half awake (not a good idea). I kinda fell asleep then quickly woke up. But my hair is stil mess this morning because I didn’t really try. While writing this I’m currently playing music to wake me up more, loud but not to loud to wake up my family too.


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