Quarter 1 reflection😳

Ms. Haury my E.L.A teacher passed back all of our quarter 1 work and trust me I was scared, but I was very proud of my self. There was one grade that I wasn’t happy with and that was a two I had a conversation with Ms. Haury.... I found out a two was fine plus I wasn’t going to make one little two bring me down. Beside that I got all threes and fours that i’m satisfied with that. I do want to make new goals for the new qaurter and really simply one’s.

  1. Always, Always, Always try my best... even if I never learned it before just keep push, and that kind of goes along with goal two which is⤵️
  2. Never give up... pretty self explanatory 
  3. Get as many three’s and four’s as I can... and when I say as I can I’m just really saying go back to goal two and try me best, because its not always so easy to get threes and fours.
  4. Don’t forget to ask questions if I’m confused ask this is something I do often but I noticed if I think a question is “dumb” or “not that important” I don’t ask and even if it is “dumb” I should still ask it🙂

This was a very short blog but that’s because I am truly proud of myself and what I’ve done in quarter one hopefully, fingers crossed 🤞 I stay proud throughout the whole school and years to come.
Bye 👋 


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