Middle school_book reaction😯

OK...we just got done reading middle school the worst years of my life by James Patterson, and I need to put out there, best book I read ever maybe but that’s later on for my book review. The ending is incredible and it just hits you in the face like BOOM! We found out........(spoil alert 🚨🛑❌‼️ spoil alert)(if you plan on reading this book in your future life I wouldn’t continue reading)(continue at your own risk👹) Alright here I go I’m going to say it, Leo the silent like Leonardo the silent like the invisible bestfriend  is his brother😮😲. (Boom 💥) I know right, hey I warned you. Anyways yes Rafe is Leo’s brother. That is CRAZY and I think the whole class was in  shock too. I mean first we found out Leo is an invisible person but now Leo and Rafe are related it’s not adding up is it. I think I need to call my math teacher, it’s like 1+1=11 see it just doesnt make since but that’s all for today.
Bye 👋

- Go read my book review NOW😁

How stock I was from a 1-10?


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