What am I doing for Halloween???

Halloween is coming up soon, actually it’s in two days. I am going to mustard and my friend http://imanisblog9246.blogspot.com/ is going to be ketchup. (That’s her blog) I know ketchup and mustard is so cringy. I actually have after school on Halloween I have game board club with my ELA and O.A.V with Ms. Cap who is not my ELA teacher. After that I’m going to most likely go to Imani’s house or she might come to mine and we shall treat or trick. It is Monday the 29th two days before Halloween and the night Halloween I well update you on what delicious candies I got and all the creepy costumes I saw.
Bye 👋 (For now)

It is currently 9:24 on Halloween night and I’m doing homework 😁 yay, but I promised I would tell you what I saw and experience on Halloween of 2018 and it was funny. So my friend got a fever (hopefully she feels better) and couldn’t go trick or treating with me so the clingy ketchup and mustard costumes was pasted down to my cousin. She begged me to be mustard so I gave her what she wanted, and I was ketchup. We went trick or treating together with some of my other cousins and it was a fun night. We saw Michael Myers with his own personal d.j playing his theme music. We saw the cuties Minnie Mouse we actually saw lot’s of  Minnie Mouses, and so many other adorable, scary, and just creepy costumes. We got lots of candy Snickers, M&M’s, Hershey’s, and much much more. That I well not it for breakfast (maybe). I’m getting tired and have another blog post to do so Happy Halloween 🎃👻💀.
Bye 👋 


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