SOL day: 10๐Ÿ“ฑ

Happy slice of life day 10! Warning** this blogg is going to be very boring so if you want to click off now you can. Imma give you a sec, still not gone okay then. Today I was extremely bored I thought to myself what’s one thing that can help me stay entertained... I know this thing that was invented a long time ago but not that long ago. MY PHONE, yes this blog is going to just be about my phone. I have the iPhone 7+ it is cracked but I have a screen protector so like the screen protector is cracked. It’s a big size, and holds lots of space. I have unlimited data so I can have internet where I go. I use my phone very often I might be addicted just like many people in this world. I use it in school (before and after school). I’m using it now, like I said I’m addicted. My phone is one of my best friends so holds all my good music, games, and secrets. See your phone is your best friend too. But your phone can be unhealthy so try to distance yourself from your phone just saying. I loveeeee my phone I don’t know what I would do without. I very curious of how people lived without them in the past. That’s all I have to say.
Bye ๐Ÿ‘‹


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