SOL day:7๐Ÿฅซ

Happy slice of life day 7! For my passion project I decided to do help the homeless and people in need. I am really passionate in helping others and definitely people how needs it most. I decided to do a food drive a my school for a dress down. And it was a great turn out I collected 10x more than I thought I would. But I didn’t do it alone thanks to 2 of my friends coming to school early I got all the help I needed because of them. We collected 9 milk crate full of canned foods and I super happy it was a success because I got really scared that nobody got the message. Since it was a short notices. All the food is going to a homeless shelter. But before we donate it I want to go throw it to make sure there is no expired foods. Doing this passion project it was a lot of work but I still took on the challenge and enjoyed it while doing it. And like I said on my presentation next time you see a homeless person maybe even say hi these humans just like you and me are getting pushed to the side like garbage and treated like garbage. Put yourself in their shoes having no food, no home, and no money. It’s nit fair if you ask me because we are all humans and nobody should be treated the way a homeless person one the streets is. But that’s all I have to say mabye just wave next time you see a homeless person.
Bye ๐Ÿ‘‹


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