Killer Whale Debate🐋

In ELA we started debates, the debate topic we’re doing is Killer Whales I haven’t decided what side I’m picking yet I will give facts about both sides and maybe I’ll decide by the end of this blog.  I’m going to talk about the positive of keep killer whales in captivity and then the con of keeping whales in captivity. But first a little background knowledge about this whales...Excuse me killer whales. So some people think that this whales are dangerous will they are, Tilikum killed 3 people yes like human beings lost their lives to this whale. SeaWorld (The place that keeps the whales in captivity) stopped all whales from having baby’s but on whale was already pregnant when they made this announcement. These whale pregnancy last up to 18 months. Most Killer whales only live to be about 25-30, but Newsela says one whale lived to be 40 years old. Lots of people don’t want killer whales to be keep in captivity here’s why they should be keep in captivity.

I think killer whales should be keep in captivity, if the whales get proper training they can stay at SeaWorld. The whales are great intertainment and big enough to be stood on and give the crowd a bid splash. The whales get healthy and better food, when the whales are in the sea they have a big chance of eating trash or a fish that’s sick and they can get sick. If a whale have a baby in the ocean it’s not getting good care and can be eaten by another whale or prey. But when a baby whale is in SeaWorld it was trainer and other people to take care of it. Overall I think killer whales should be kept and captivity. Know why killer whales shouldn’t be kept in captivity.

I think killer whales should not be kept in captivity, if Tilkihum killed 3 people other whales will imitate him. And that’s hundreds maybe thousands or more killed, innocent lives gone to a hungry whale how’s getting a good meal. Another reason I think these whales should be freed is because they are not meant to pets like your dog are cat at home, they’re meant to be wild animals that eat alive fish not veggies. My last reason is because the name killer whale is not pleasing next time you go to SeaWorld do you want to hear the attendees saying, “killer whales this way, killer whales this way”. I mean I don’t or when you do to SeaWorld to see a show you have to be scared for you life worrying if I get close sits will blood be splashed on me from a trainer that a whale ate. Or worried saying if I sit close will I get eaten. Anyways what I’m trying to say is killer whales should not be kept in captivity. That’s for reading.
Bye 👋


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