Debate Time🎉

Hello people, we’re starting debates in ELA so this weeks post will be about debates (Obviously) the thing that we were assigned to debate about is school uniform. My opinion school uniform is not the best so in my blog I will be talk about why school uniform shouldn’t be a thing (with research and my personal experience with uniform) but to also challenge me I will be taking about why uniforms can be helpful/ useful sometime.

I believe school uniform shouldn’t be a thing. Do you want to look like a prisoner walking down the hallways? School uniform isn’t the best option for clothing, uniforms are like jail suits everyone is dressed in the same colors and no one can express themselves how they want. Uniforms are also not the most comfortable thing to wear, if you have a stomachache or feel sick, girls for example could wear leggings as their clothing if the went to a known uniformed school and boys could wear jogging pant but that’s not the option when you go to a school that has uniform. Standard uniform is a color of pants and a color of collard shirt. I went to a school pre-k through 2nd grade wearing uniforms and it didn’t matter to me because that is was what I was use to, then I went to a school 3rd through 5th grade and it that school did not require uniforms and it was surprising and relaxing to me I enjoyed being able to where what I wanted and when, finally the school I am currently at requires uniform and I HATE it. It’s weird because my first school I didn’t care now it kills me to wear the khaki pants and navy blue polo collard shirts. Wikipedia says, “An example of a uniform would be requiring white button-down and ties for boys and pleated skirts for girls, with both wearing blazers.” This is what I mean by kids can not express themselves, we are required to wear boring outfits.

Now why we should have uniform, uniform can be helpful because you don’t have too have a whole wardrobe. You wear the same thing everyday and its easier because you don’t get judged or picked on for what you are wearing. You will also have less laundry because you don’t have lots of clothes that you have to change into. Okay that’s it because I’m against having school uniform.


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