Everyone is equal🥰

This weeks assignment was to watch a few videos, and read some articles about people who are “different”. But the thing is if someone isn’t like you that doesn’t make them different. I watched a video on YouTube about people who can’t hear. And the most important part out of the video I got is everyone is the same. Something that really caught my attention is when they were saying don’t tell me what to do or force me to read your lips nor wear a hearing aid. Because we can make our own decisions which is really true because everyone like I said before is equal if people don’t tell you what to do don’t tell someone else who’s just like you what to do because it’s not fair. I also watch the video about people with Down syndrome. That video talked about how they’re not ‘special’ which is also true and some examples they gave was if I was special I would need to get woken by a celebrity or have a massage by a cat. Which they don’t, the video said I need a education and etc. things that I need you whose reading this and the person next to you. Because we are all Equal. So this assignment really opened my eyes and made me realize people who are born different doesn’t mean there’re any different or more ‘special’ than me. And honestly treat people the way you want to treated and I’m assuming you want to be treated with kindness and love just like everyone in the world.


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